
Use colored ribbon to let the servers know which meal the guest has ordered. They can serve without bothering anyone - SMOOTH!

Ribbons can be held in place with double sided tape, a glue gun or a simple knot.

Placecards indicating the Table number can be set up in alphabetical order on a table near the guestbook. Or, place them on the tables.

Have the Calligrapher address the envelopes for your Thank You notes when they do the ones for your invitations.

After the wedding simply write your thank you's and slip them into the addressed envelopes.

Glass Etching

Engrave the names of the Bride and Groom with their Wedding Date on:

Votives - Use them to light the tables and then let your guests take one home,

Glass Vases - Use them on the head table to hold the bridal bouquets during the reception. They can be gifts for the bridal party or the parents and grandparents.

Salt + Pepper Shakers - Use them during dinner and then let your guests take them home.

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